• This spring we will refresh our WCCUSD Technology Plan to align with the skills and knowledge we want our students to acquire during their time with us in WCCUSD.  

    The pandemic has provided many opportunities to use tech in new ways, further revealed access inequities, and created a reliance on technology like never before.  

    Our tech plan will have 6 pillars:

    1. Equitable Access (such as hotspots for students without reliable home internet and a Chromebook for every student)

    2. Tech empowered teaching & learning (such as our Promethean ActivPanel pilot at 11 schools  (7 elem, 2 middle, 3 high involving over 300 educators!)

    3. Digital Life (such as digital citizenship and creating digital balance)

    4. Infrastructure, Operations & Support (effective tools, service, and support)

    5. Cybersecurity (the practice of protecting our data and systems from attacks)

    6. Accessible data for decision making

    We need YOU - your perspective and voice- in defining the purpose and priorities for technology in WCCUSD for the next 3 years!  


    • We specifically need 2-3 site clerical and classified staff, 3 parent/guardian (elem, middle, high), and 2-3 students to join our diverse committee. 

    • We are expanding our reach beyond the committee to gather input via equity interviews with students and families and via surveys so that we can capture the diverse experiences and needs of our community.


    The time commitment for the committee is 2-hour committee meetings over Zoom this spring:

    Monday, April 10 @ 4-6pm

    Monday, May 15 @ 4-6pm


    Please if you are interested and available.


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