• Citizen's Oversight Committee for Parcel Taxes

    The Citizen's Oversight Committee for Parcel Taxes supports all public school students who live in the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) boundaries, whether they attend neighborhood schools or public charter schools within the district, with the proceeds of Measure G of 2012 and further measures that voters may approve. The Committee will review the annual audit of parcel tax expenditures and prepare an annual report to the Board which reconciles parcel tax expenditures with programs and positions funded by the tax measure(s). The committee will also review enrollment and expenditure data from charter schools to ensure those schools are in compliance with the authorizing provisions of the measure(s).

    Member Organizations
    The COCPT is composed of one representative from the following organizations:
    * One student recommended by the WCCUSD Youth Commission
    * One teacher recommended by the United Teachers of Richmond
    * One business person recommended by one of the west county Chambers of   Commerce
    * One youth program leader recommended by one of the community based   organizations in west county serving youth
    * One classified employee recommended by the classified employee unions
    * One representative recommended by the California Charter Schools Association
    * One representative of a west county taxpayers association from the Contra Costa   Taxpayers Association
    * One principal recommended by the West Contra Costa Administrators Association
    * One member representing the West County Mayors Association

    Committee Liaisons
    To Be Determined, Board Liaison
     Associate Superintendent Business Services

COCPT Meetings