Volunteer FAQs

  • How long does the fingerprinting process take?

    • Volunteer fingerprints can take three (3) to 30 days to process.

    Can we expedite the fingerprinting process?

    • NO. The time it takes to clear is set by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) who are the ones who conduct the clearance.  WCCUSD cannot expedite the process.

    I have already been fingerprinted for other purposes, do I need to be fingerprinted again?

    • YES. We know this is frustrating to hear, but the DOJ and FBI require that individuals get fingerprinted each time they are required to share their prints. WCCUSD cannot access previous fingerprinting records that other organizations requested.

    Why does WCCUSD require volunteers to be fingerprinted?

    • Under the California Education Code, school districts must ensure the safety of all students during school hours.  To ensure that all adults who volunteer in our schools are cleared to be around children we conduct fingerprinting.

    Why do I need to complete a Live Scan form when I have already completed a Be A Mentor application?

    • The Livescan form is used by our fingerprinting vendor who does not have access to the Be a Mentor database due to confidentiality issues. The 豆奶成人直播 provided in the Livescan form is used by our fingerprinting vendor to ensure name accuracy which is an important part of the DOJ and FBI clearance process.

    Do I have to get fingerprinted every year, or get a new badge every year?

    • NO. Once you are fingerprinted, you don’t need to do it again.

    What happens if I misplace or break my Volunteer Badge?

    • In case you lose your badge we are happy to replace it at no cost. Please contact the Community Engagement Department at 510-307-4526.