• Welcome to the Air Quality Information Page.

    Due to recent uptics in Northern California wildfires, the district is monitoring air quality in the area, including the weather and wind forecasts and will provide updates as we receive them.

District Air Quality Updates

  • Air Quality 08.23.2021

    Posted by Communications on 8/23/2021 8:30:00 AM

    Good morning WCCUSD,

    The air quality in our District is expected to be in the good to moderate range today. The has not issued a spare the air alert, and predicts wildfire smoke will impact the Bay Area but is not expected to exceed federal health standards. All schools are open today.

    We will continue to monitor the air quality conditions due to the wildfire smoke from the fires burning to the north and east of the Bay Area. Please refer to this air quality chart to see the District’s steps during these challenging air quality situations.

    Note that Contra Costa County Health has advised us to keep HVAC systems running. If conditions reach the unhealthy for sensitive groups, we will advise schools to limit outdoor activities, including lunch.

    We encourage you to visit www.airnow.gov to see the current air quality conditions and review this District air quality chart. WCCUSD stretches over very different areas of the county, from Hercules to El Cerrito, with each geographic area measuring different air quality ratings. The decision to modify outdoor activities or possibly close schools will be based upon each location.

    If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school.

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  • Air Quality 08.20.2021

    Posted by Communications on 8/20/2021 8:30:00 AM

    Good Morning WCCUSD,

    The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued a due to the wildfire smoke from the fires burning to the north and east of the Bay Area. All schools are open today, but situations could change.

    Due to the decline in air quality, we could be limiting outdoor activities today. Please refer to this air quality chart to see the District’s steps during these challenging air quality situations.

    Note that Contra Costa County Health has advised us to keep HVAC systems running. If conditions reach the unhealthy for sensitive groups, we will advise schools to limit outdoor activities, including lunch.

    We encourage you to visit www.airnow.gov to see the current air quality conditions and review this District air quality chart. WCCUSD stretches over very different areas of the county, from Hercules to El Cerrito, with each geographic area measuring different air quality ratings. The decision to modify outdoor activities or possibly close schools will be based upon each location.

    If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school.

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  • Air Quality Update

    Posted by Communications on 8/19/2021 8:30:00 AM

    Good morning WCCUSD Community,

    The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued an air quality advisory due to the wildfire smoke from the fires burning to the north and east of the Bay Area. All schools are open today.

    The wildfire smoke has worsened over the past few days, with the air quality forecast in the moderate (yellow) to unhealthy for sensitive groups (orange) range.

    We understand that this may cause some challenges as you try to make the best decision for your children’s health. If you feel it best to keep your child at home, we encourage you to do so.

    If your child will be in school today, here are a few things you should know about upgrades to the HVAC based on ventilation and airflow in classrooms and other school facilities due to the Covid-19 pandemic:

    1. We upgraded WCCUSD’s HVAC systems with MERV13 high-efficiency air filters, which will help mitigate the smoke.
    2. We added HEPA Air filters for those rooms that required additional ventilation measures.

    I am in contact with the County Office of Education and County Health Services regarding schools and air quality and the requirements for ventilation in respect to Covid-19. My team will monitor the air quality throughout the day. We recognize the challenge of the wildfires coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic and the need for proper ventilation. We will do everything we can to create the safest environment for students and staff. 

    We will notify you if air quality conditions change. We encourage you to visit to see the current air quality conditions and review this District air quality chart. If air quality conditions move into the unhealthy range, we will take the appropriate steps to limit outdoor activities and possibly close affected schools. WCCUSD stretches over very different areas of the county, from Hercules to El Cerrito, with each geographic area measuring different air quality ratings. The decision to modify outdoor activities or possibly close schools will be based upon each location.

    Again, we will be monitoring air quality throughout the day and will update you if conditions change. Please make sure we have your best and updated contact 豆奶成人直播, check the website frequently , and follow us on social media @westcontracostaschools (Facebook) and @wccusd (Instagram, Twitter) as we will also be posting updates.

    Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and understanding.



    Dr. Kenneth Chris Hurst

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