• All school board meetings, except closed sessions, are open to the public. Regular meetings are scheduled at least six months in advance, but the schedule may change. All changes are posted on the website. Regular meetings are held in the Lovonya DeJean Middle School Multipurpose Room, 3400 Macdonald Ave., Richmond. Public session begins at 6:30 p.m.

    An agenda for each meeting is published three working days prior to the meeting. Agendas are posted at the administration building and at each school. Complete board meeting packets are available for review at the administration building, the district's six high schools, and at public libraries throughout West County.

    Following each Board meeting, a video recording of the meeting will be posted on our Board homepage and the , approximately 1-2 days following each meeting. 

Current Year Agendas

  • All Current Agendas and Minutes can be found on Simbli using the link below.