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Welcome to the Shannon Elementary School Website

Shannon School, located in the outskirts of Pinole, was built in 1967. It was named after the town of Shannon in Eire, in honor of the Fitzgerald dairy family, who formerly owned the land on which the school was built. The school's residential area encompasses the triangle formed by three major thoroughfares. Appian Way, San Pablo Avenue and Tara Hills Drive. Special features of this K-6 school are its spacious grounds, its single-story California ranch-style design and its international enrollment.

Shannon School strives to provide the highest quality education to enable all students to make positive life choices, strengthen our community, and successfully participate in a diverse and global society. Shannon School strives to provide an excellent learning environment; safe student-centered learning environments; and support for all students, parents, and employees. We strive to develop and maintain productive community partnerships and individual and collective accountability.

The mission of Shannon is to provide for all students the highest quality education in a public school setting. Our quality education will encompass and celebrate the diversity of our community and will guarantee equal access for every student. Our school will provide a secure environment that encompasses the free exchange of ideas and the fostering of creativity and critical thinking. Our classrooms will receive priority in the allocation of our resources. Our classrooms will also exemplify the best in teacher-student relationships.
